Collaboration at its Finest...Goodbye Google Docs and SharePoint
Are you frustrated with the complexity of SharePoint and format/revision limitations of Google Docs. Well, look no further. Check out...
How to Enable RPC over HTTP in Outlook 2016
As Microsoft releases new desktop products, specifically Outlook 2016, many customers have been having issues connecting to their older...
MongoDB Apocalypse: Professional Ransomware Group Gets Involved, Infections Reach 28K Servers
So when you choose a web hosting provider, be sure to ask where your data is stored. It might be your customers data, etc., but you may...
Webroot BrightCloud® Threat Intelligence
Choosing a proactive anti-virus solution could never be more important these days. Webroot BrightCloud® Threat Intelligence is part of...
The Ransomware Virus...Your money or your life
This blog post is a repost from earlier last year. It's the gift that keeps on giving. I continue to run into new strains of these...
The 3-2-1 Backup Strategy
So you've heard it all. Full backup, incremental backup, differential backup, yada yada yada. Before making these decisions, you must...